George PEABODY Library – Baltimore (USA)

The library of the covent of Mafra (Portugal)

The public library of SEATTLE (USA)

The Library of the University of ABERDEEN (Scotland)

The Philological Library of the Free University, Berlin (Germany).

The Vennesla Library and Culture House (Norway)

The library of the Jaqua Athletic Academic Center of OREGON (USA)

Considered as the World’s most beautiful bookshop, the Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen in Maastricht is based in a 700-year-old dominican church.

El Ateneo Grand Splendid (Buenos Aires, Argentina) isn’t a public library : it is a bookshop but it is one of the best known bookshops on Earth, and has been voted the second most beautiful Bookshop in the World.

The Rijksmuseum library of Amsterdam (NL)